Hi, my name is Daniele
I was born in Rome, 1984, in a suburban district with a very evocative name: Cinecittà. I love good food and I’am always open to experiencing new tastes and traveling is what most stimulates me. An investment for memory so to speak. Each country I have visited and each person I have met have left a permanent trace in my soul.
Dream vacation: Perù.
Favorite food & drink: Any type of meat.
Favorite way of travel: By plane.
Spoken Languages: Italian, English, Spanish
My Style
I’m in favor of spontaneity and naturalness: no banal poses, no motionless shoots of groups, no expected shoots. No photographic service must be identical to a previous one. I am always careful not to lose any emotion on people’s faces, ready to catch the arising of a smile, a sign of tenderness
Giardino degli aranci – Gianicolo – Colosseo – Piazza di Spagna – Pincio