Hi, my name is Fabio
I became a photographer in 2007 during a vacation. From there I embarked on an intense independent study of the art, which led me becoming a Master of the Nikon School in just two years, holding many high-level workshops for the company and myself.I’m member of Fearless Photographers, the official photographer for both the Reggia di Venaria and the Torino Polytechnic University, and testimonial for Fujifilm Italia. I define myself as an extremely simple person who loves life and living it.
Some exhibitions in Italy, Japan, Spain.
Spoken Languages: Italian, Spanish, English,
My Style
Fresh and high quality pictures working with smiles: you will enjoy the shooting time, not bored. Just have fun and do what you want to do, i shoot it
Santa Cruz – Los Cristianos – Las Americas – La Pelada – Los Abrigos – El Teide

590 Green Lanes
N13 5RY - London, England
Phone +44 75 1148 8211
WhatsApp +44 75 1148 8211